Guidance & Support on
The Path of Awakening
Hi, I’m Paige
I’m a spiritual healer and guide. For over a decade I’ve worked with people who are waking up. I help clients relax the mind, let go of old habits, and discover through direct experience the awake, loving presence at the core of their being. Sounds wonderful—and it is!—but it can be difficult to access and embody this presence in the midst of daily life. It takes guidance and support. And that’s what I offer.
You don’t have to travel to India or climb a mountaintop or meditate for days—you can do it wherever you are.
Awakening happens when you let go of your busy, chattering mind—even just for a moment—and notice that there is something beyond your mind. Something vast, alive, and naturally aware.
Waking up isn’t an experience that
only happens to special people.

How do you know you’re waking up?
You’ve experienced a profound change in life and you don’t want to return to business as usual. Something is saying: Don’t go back to sleep.
You’ve realized that you are not your mind. You aren’t sure exactly what that means, but you’d like to find out.
You no longer want to fix, control, or even “manage” life. You want to participate in it as it flows through you.
You know that even if you “have it all” you still won’t be fulfilled. There’s something more to life, and that’s what you’re after.