Awakening is relational.
Humanity and the planet itself is waking up to the evolutionary impulse to live and love from a field of shared consciousness.
If you feel this impulse, I hope you’ll join me for
Relational Awakening Training
I’m offering two opportunities in 2025
Asheville, NC & Austin, TX
This training is for anyone who is called to the path of healing and awakening—not just for yourself, but for the planet.

I’m so excited to offer this training…
For years I’ve wanted to teach people what I do.
And what is that exactly? Here it is in a nutshell: I shift outside the container of my limited self, awaken in the infinite field of shared consciousness, locate this infinite field in the finite being in front of me, and then realize that being as myself.
Sounds difficult, but it’s not.
This shift is something we’re made to do. As humans we’re made to access the deepest dimension of reality…to move beyond empathy and into the realm of unity. And once we experience this oneness, healing happens naturally.
So why does it seem so difficult? The tricky part is stabilizing your access to the field and trusting what you see, sense, and know from it.
That’s where this training comes in.
I’ll be teaching you practices that reflect and express the field itself. You’ll learn how to access it, trust it and track it, then amplify its healing qualities for yourself, others, and the world.