Awakening & Healing Go Together
Have you ever had a moment when the clouds in your mind parted and you felt expansive and alive—connected to everyone and everything—and then ordinary life rushed in and you wondered,
Where did it go?
It’s right here.
You can never be separate from your true nature, but it feels far away sometimes, doesn’t it? Your experience of it tends to come and go until you heal the parts of you that are uncertain or afraid of this new way of knowing and being. That’s why awakening and healing go together.

My sessions aren’t conceptual or intellectual—they’re experiential.
I sit with my clients and shift from the busy, ordinary mind, into the level of mind that is simply and naturally aware. The shift is palpable. Many people feel an immediate sense of expansiveness and love, of deep knowing and connection.
I hold this space of awareness while guiding clients through a process of inquiry. I track where they go when they access this dimension of being, sense when and where they get stuck in fear-based patterns, and help them release these patterns in order to know this awareness for themselves.
I Help You Navigate the Awakening Journey
Initial Awakening
Maybe you’re on top of a mountain or maybe you’re just washing dishes, but for a brief moment your consciousness shifts and you have a glimpse of your true nature—vast, alive, boundless and free.
When you access true nature, fear-based patterns of belief and behavior can be triggered, keeping you stuck in old ways of knowing and being. Healing occurs when those patterns are witnessed and released.
With practice and support, brief glimpses of your awake nature become a sustained connection. You’re less likely to get sucked back into the ego-based identity, and if you do, you know the way out.
The awakening journey is never ending, but there is a time when loving presence becomes your new home base. Life unfolds as you rest in awareness, while dynamically engaging with others.